Systematic Theology

Course Description

This course on Systematic Theology is presented in seven main heads of doctrine. Each module provides ten lectures on these doctrinal pillars of the Scriptures. The entire course is comprised of seventy lectures. Systematic Theology is the attempt to organize all the Christian doctrines in a logical order. The Christian church has been practicing this type of theology since the very early stages of the Church, although, the form in which we see it today, developed in the Middle Ages.

Systematic Theology distinguishes itself from Biblical Theology. Systematic Theology, gathers together all of what Scripture teaches on a given topic and makes a claim based on those truths.

Module 1 - Prologomena: The Doctrine of First Principles

The first two lectures of this course provide an introduction to the whole of all seven modules. The remainder of this first module is devoted to the first of the seven sections of systematic theology—what we call “the doctrine of first...

Instructor: Robert D.  McCurley, ThM

Module 2 - Theology: The Doctrine of God

The purpose of this current module is to explore what the Bible teaches about God Himself, which is to say, what God reveals to us about God. So if you wish to gain a deeper understanding of who the Lord is, these lectures aim to benefit you. The...

Instructor: Robert D.  McCurley, ThM

Module 3 - Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man

The scope of this third module is to explore what the Bible teaches about man. And what we learn from Scripture about God leads us to a right understanding of man. Men are tireless in their pursuit of understanding themselves. Their origin, their...

Instructor: Robert D.  McCurley, ThM

Module 4 - Christology

In the Gospel of Matthew, in Matthew 16, Jesus has an important conversation with his disciples. They’re in the town of Caesarea Philippi, a town outside of Israel, and Jesus begins in Matthew, chapter 16, verse 13, with a very simple question...

Instructor: Dr. Stephen Myers, and
Robert D. McCurley, ThM

Module 5 - Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation

The lectures in this fifth module on the Doctrine of Salvation are, like the others, introductory, not exhaustive, and they’re intended to furnish you with a foundation that you can build upon in your further studies. As you’ll recall from the...

Instructor: Robert D.  McCurley, ThM

Module 6 - Ecclesiology

With the church of all ages, we confess the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in the holy catholic church.” In the following courses, we want to study the doctrine of the church. The theological expression for the Doctrine of the Church is...

Instructor: Rev. Walter Harinck

Module 7 - Eschatology

Eschatology is the doctrine of the Last Things. It looks unto the future, and on the basis of the teaching of Scripture, sets out what will happen in the future. Some people allow their imagination to lead them into fantastical speculation. But...

Instructor: Rev. William Macleod

মডিউল ৭ - পরলোকতত্ত্ব (Module 7 - Eschatology)

পরলোকতত্ত্ব হল শেষ বিষয়গুলির তত্ত্ব। এটি ভবিষ্যতের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকে, এবং শাস্ত্রের শিক্ষার ভিত্তিতে, ভবিষ্যতে কী হবে তা তুলে ধরে। কিছু লোক তাদের কল্পনাশক্তিকে ব্যবহার করে কল্পনাপ্রসূত অনুমান করে। তবে ধর্মতত্ত্ব সবসময় সতর্ক এবং সংযত হওয়া উচিত, এবং...

Instructor: Robert D.  McCurley, ThM