The Application of Redemption


The Application of Redemption

God is the God of order. We see this order clearly displayed when examining the beauty and glory of his creation on this earth and throughout the universe. We see God’s order when investigating and discovering scientific laws, and when we study the wonderful perfection in mathematics. God’s Word also tells us how God shows his perfect order in the Application of Redemption. In Romans chapter 8, we find the “Golden Chain” telling us that those God foreknew, he also predestinated; those he predestinated, he called; those he called, he justified; those he justified, he glorified. Jesus Christ accomplished the redemption of his chosen people when he died as a perfect sacrifice on Calvary’s cross. In this lecture series, Pastor William Macleod will examine the beautiful order in which God applies the purchased redemption of his people.


The sinner entered the world as a rebel, yet God sent his Holy Spirit to call him, to regenerate him, and he was born again. He repented and believed in Jesus as his Savior; he was justified and his sins were forgiven. This is so much to take in, and yet there is more. He is also adopted by God—he is accepted into the family of God. So let’s understand this doctrine of Adoption better, and let’s find out what it means and its many benefits and privileges.

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