The Application of Redemption

Union with Christ

The Application of Redemption

God is the God of order. We see this order clearly displayed when examining the beauty and glory of his creation on this earth and throughout the universe. We see God’s order when investigating and discovering scientific laws, and when we study the wonderful perfection in mathematics. God’s Word also tells us how God shows his perfect order in the Application of Redemption. In Romans chapter 8, we find the “Golden Chain” telling us that those God foreknew, he also predestinated; those he predestinated, he called; those he called, he justified; those he justified, he glorified. Jesus Christ accomplished the redemption of his chosen people when he died as a perfect sacrifice on Calvary’s cross. In this lecture series, Pastor William Macleod will examine the beautiful order in which God applies the purchased redemption of his people.

Union with Christ

Nothing is more important than our Union with Christ. t underlies the whole Application of Redemption. Every blessing we receive comes to us because of our Union with Christ. Outside of Christ, there is no blessing, but only God’s wrath and curse. Sit in on this lecture from Rev. Macleod to see how Union with Christ is foundational to all the other doctrines of the Order of Salvation.

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