Biblical Marriage

The Unity in Marriage

Biblical Marriage

In these 8 lectures we will attempt to answer the some questions relating a Bible centered Marriage. What exactly is a biblical marriage, and how does it differ from other types of marriages? How does the Bible inform and govern a believer’s relationship to their spouse? Does God provide us with a model to guide us? What does the Scripture teach us about God's design for marriage and His priorities in marriage? What are the specific roles that the Lord assigns to husbands and to wives? How do we apply all the practical implications to the details of our daily lives? The purpose of this course is to study what the Bible teaches about marriage and to equip you with a deeper understanding of how to apply these truths.

The Unity in Marriage

God defines unity as a top priority in a biblical marriage.  When a husband and wife are bound to Christ and then woven together in biblical unity, the marriage is strong.  What threatens this unity in marriage? How does disunity manifest itself? What does God tell us to watch against? How can we protect a godly marriage from these harmful influences? How do we restore unity when it has been undermined or weakened? And what bond has God specifically provided for the preservation of biblical marriage?

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Robert D.  McCurley, ThM

Rev. Robert McCurley is the minister of the Gospel at Greenville Presbyterian Church in Taylors, SC, a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing).