Communion Season Sermons

Sermon #7: Christ is Coming Again

Communion Season Sermons

The Communion Season is a deeply spiritual practice started by the Covenanters in Scotland during the seventeenth century, centered around the careful administration of the Lord’s Supper. Communion Season takes place from Thursday to the following Monday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, preparatory services are held, with preaching on themes of repentance, self-examination, and spiritual renewal, leading up to the administration of the Lord’s Supper on the Lord’s Day morning. Please come with us to hear Rev. William Macleod as he introduces this tradition and delivers seven sermons like those typically preached during a traditional Scottish Communion Season.

Sermon #7: Christ is Coming Again

Monday is the day of giving thanks to the Lord for his mercy and goodness over the weekend, for all of the blessings enjoyed from his hand, but especially for the blessings of the gospel, for Christ the Savior, for all aspects of his glorious work. And there would be a focus on his promised return, the second coming of Christ. And so, Rev. William Macleod gives us a wonderful sermon assuring us of this great and marvelous day to come.

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