New Testament Bible Lessons

Paul Before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa

New Testament Bible Lessons

This course is a series of 42 Bible lessons on the New Testament designed for older (middle school) children. Each lesson is about 20 minutes in length and is taught by a 6th grade Bible teacher from Calvin Christian school in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The video portion of each lesson is accompanied by a Lesson Guide containing quizzes and test questions. The Lesson Guide is available in PDF format and can be downloaded or printed out for the student to complete in class. This course is very well suited for both home schools and private Christian schools worldwide, though it is primarily designed for use in a group setting. Parents and teachers can provide additional guidance to supplement these lessons and Bible knowledge tests, if desired. This New Testament course covers the history of the Lord Jesus as delivered to us in the four Gospels and continues through the life of the Apostle Paul from the Book of Acts. The first lesson starts with the days leading up to Christ’s humble birth in Bethlehem. From there, the student will move through the life of Christ, surveying his blessed ministry, his suffering, his death, and his resurrection. Christ’s ascension, bringing his humble life on earth to a close, and the blessed outpouring of the Holy Spirit are taught next. The final lessons examine the calling and ministry of the greatest evangelist that ever lived, Paul the Apostle. A study of Paul’s missionary journeys brings the series to a close. We hope these lessons are a blessing to you.

Paul Before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa

During the two years that Paul was prisoner in Caesarea he defended himself three times, but each time before a different ruler. The first ruler was Felix, who was impressed by what Paul said, but left him in prison. The second ruler. Festus would consider sending Paul to Jerusalem, but since Paul realized that this was unjust, he appealed to Caesar. Then Paul appeared before King Agrippa who admitted that Paul had done nothing worthy of death. Since Paul had appealed to Caesar he was kept in prison.

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Course Lessons

1.  The Setting of the Ministry of Christ
2.  The Birth of John the Baptist
3.  The Birth of Jesus Christ
4.  Jesus’ Early Years
5.  A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
6.  Jesus Manifested as the Son of God
7.  Jesus Reveals Himself
8.  Must Needs Go Through Samaria
9.  The Apostles Follow Jesus
10.  The Sermon on the Mount
11.  Power over Sickness and Death
12.  Parables and Miracles
13.  Jesus Power Over the Devil and Death
14.  Troubled by Jesus Power and Feeding Five Thousand
15.  Truly the Son of God
16.  Healing the Blind Man and the Good Shepherd
17.  Parables
18.  More Parables
19.  Lazarus Raised and Jesus Receives Children
20.  Rich Young Ruler, Blind Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus
21.  Mary Anoints Jesus
22.  Final Teaching of Jesus
23.  Signs of the Times
24.  The Last Supper and Gethsemane
25.  Jesus Before the Council and Peter’s Denial
26.  Jesus Before Pilate
27.  The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus
28.  The Resurrection of Jesus
29.  First Appearances of Jesus
30.  The Great Commission and the Ascension
31.  The Disciples and Pentecost
32.  The Growth and Persecution of the Early Christian Church
33.  Persecution of Early Christian Church
34.  The Christian Church Scattered
35.  Among the Gentiles
36.  Persecuted by Herod
37.  Paul’s First Missionary Journey
38.  Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
39.  Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
40.  Paul in Jerusalem
41.  Paul Before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa
42.  Paul’s Journey to Rome

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Mr. Slingerland

Mr. Marinus Slingerland is a 6th Grade Teacher at Calvin Christian School in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada