The prophecy of Zechariah was written towards the end of the Old Testament time period and is anticipating the coming of the Messiah. It was a dark and difficult time for God’s people, who were in a low state spiritually. They had just returned from 70 difficult years of captivity in Babylon. Eight visions and additional prophecies by Zechariah were given to encourage God’s people to persevere through these dark times. They were instructed by God to rebuild the Temple and the broken walls of Jerusalem. God, through Zechariah, presents a hopeful view of the future. This was not only very encouraging to the Jews 2,500 years ago, but also to us today. This spiritually rich book calls on the Jews to return to God, and God promises to return to them. It proclaims that God is fully in control. He is ruling the nations and the future for his church is bright and encouraging.
In these days in Scotland and indeed in the whole Western world, it is easy to become discouraged. Church attendances are small. The vast majority of the population shows no interest in God. We have the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, telling how God became man to save us, how he died on the cross in our room and stead, bearing our sins and the punishment due to us, how he rose again on the third day having completed the work of atonement, and how he now calls all men and women to repent and believe, and so to be saved, be adopted into God’s family, and have a place with him in heaven when we die.