This course is a series of Bible lessons on the Old Testament designed for older (middle school) children. Each lesson is about 20 minutes in length. The video portion of each lesson is accompanied by a Lesson Guide containing quizzes and test questions. The Lesson Guide is available in pdf format and can be downloaded or printed out for the student to complete in class. This course is very well suited for both home schools and private Christian schools worldwide, though it is primarily designed for use in a group setting. Parents and teachers can provide additional guidance to supplement these lessons and Bible knowledge tests, if desired.
The destruction of the world before the flood is a picture of the judgment that shall take place in the last days. All those who set their hearts against the Lord will perish. Although this is a just end that comes upon a rebellious people, it is also a sad picture. Many generations had passed since Adam transgressed. In all those years, God was “striving with man” (Genesis 6:3). However, as God was calling sinners to himself, they rebelled more and more. The same is true today. Jesus Christ commanded that the gospel be preached to every creature.