Old Testament Bible Lessons

Esther — Haman’s Plot

Old Testament Bible Lessons

This course is a series of Bible lessons on the Old Testament designed for older (middle school) children. Each lesson is about 20 minutes in length. The video portion of each lesson is accompanied by a Lesson Guide containing quizzes and test questions. The Lesson Guide is available in pdf format and can be downloaded or printed out for the student to complete in class. This course is very well suited for both home schools and private Christian schools worldwide, though it is primarily designed for use in a group setting. Parents and teachers can provide additional guidance to supplement these lessons and Bible knowledge tests, if desired.

Esther — Haman’s Plot

Everywhere God’s people go, there God’s enemies will seek to do them harm. In this lesson, we learn of an age-old enemy of God’s people who tries everything he can to destroy them. The dark forces of evil can be very frightening, and the people of God can seem weak and frail, but when they humble themselves and pray, anything can happen.

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Course Lessons

1.  The Bible
2.  Creation
3.  Man
4.  A Gracious Promise
5.  Cain and Abel
6.  Noah
7.  The Flood and Judgement
8.  The Noahic Covenant
9.  The Tower of Babel
10.  The Calling of Abram
11.  Abram and Lot
12.  Melchizedek
13.  Righteous by Faith
14.  Two Sons
15.  Lot’s Wife
16.  Abraham Deceives
17.  Abraham Tested
18.  Isaac and Rebekah
19.  Jacob’s Desire
20.  Jacob the Deceiver
21.  God Preserves Jacob
21.  God Preserves Jacob (Part 2)
22.  Jacob Returns to Bethel
23.  Joseph Loved – Joseph Hated
24.  An Eye upon God
25.  Joseph Raised Out of Prison
26.  Joseph and His Brethren
27.  Jacob Comes to Joseph
28.  God Heard Their Cry
29.  Moses and the Burning Bush
30.  Let My People Go
31.  Deliverance
32.  God’s Patience with a Complaining People
33.  Keeping the Law: Not to Merit but to Show Thankfulness
34.  The Lord Dwells Among His People
35.  A Priest for the People
36.  Moses Intercedes for a Rebellious People
37.  Worshiping God Rightly
38.  Walk Not According To The World
39.  Hearts of Ingratitude
40.  Aaron’s Rod Blossoming
41.  The Serpent of Brass Lifted Up
42.  Phinehas: Turning Away God’s Wrath
43.  Cities of Refuge
44.  A New Generation
45.  Moses’ Last Days
46.  God's Promise Fulfilled
47.  A Promise to Rahab
48.  The Rise of the Judges
49.  Gideon - God With Him
50.  Samson
51.  Ruth the Moabitess
52.  Samuel Judges Israel
53.  Israel's First King
54.  The Kingdom Established
55.  David Anointed the Next King
56.  David Hunted by Saul
57.  The Last Days of Saul
58.  David, the Next King
59.  Fetching the Ark
60.  Thou Art the Man
61.  David’s Return to Jerusalem
62.  Seven Sons of Saul Killed
63.  The Genealogies of Israel
64.  David Appointed King
65.  David’s Kingdom Established
66.  David Prepares for the Temple
67.  David’s Departing Instructions
68.  Solomon Becomes King
69.  Solomon Builds the House of God
70.  The Kingdom is Rent
71.  A Wicked Divided Kingdom
72.  Ahab’s Reign and Death
73.  Elisha Begins His Work
74.  Elisha’s Voice is Heard
75.  A Succession of Kings
76.  Ahaz and Hezekiah
77.  The Captivity of Judah
78.  Introduction to the Prophets
79.  Isaiah's Vision and Song
80.  Isaiah Prophesies about Christ
81.  The Prophet Jeremiah Called and Sent
82.  Jeremiah Opposed and Comforted
83.   Ezekiel, the Captive Prophet
84.  Ezekiel’s Comforting Visions
85.  Daniel and His Three Friends
86.  Daniel—Nebuchadnezzar’s Forgotten Dream
87.  Daniel—The Three Friends in the Fiery Furnace
88.  Daniel—Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness
89.  Daniel—The Writing on the Wall
90.  Daniel in the Lion’s Den
91.  Daniel’s Visions and Dreams
92.  Ezra - Return from Captivity
93.  Ezra - Rebuilding the Temple
94.  Ezra - The Scribe
95.  Nehemiah - Rebuilding the Walls
96.  Nehemiah, the Task Completed
97.  Esther the Queen
98.  Esther — Haman’s Plot
99.  Esther — The Jews Saved
100.  Hosea — the Minor Prophets
101.  Joel and the Day of the LORD
102.  Amos the Fearless Herdsman
103.  Obadiah Prophesies Edom’s Fall
104.  Jonah’s Flight
105.  Jonah’s Mission
106.  Micah Preaches Judgment and Mercy
107.  Nahum, a Message for Nineveh
108.  Habakkuk’s Questions, God’s Replies
109.  Zephaniah—Threatenings and Promises
110.  Haggai Urges the Rebuilding of the Temple
111.  The Night Visions of Zechariah
112.  Zechariah Prophesies of Christ
113.  Malachi-The Last Old Testament Prophet


Dr. Daniel Sweetman

Dr. Daniel Sweetman is an instructor at Grace Christian Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA