This series of lectures on the law of the LORD GOD, is an introduction to the beauty of holiness. Holiness is more than God’s sinlessness. His holiness is the pure beauty of his loving being. The essence of God’s law is revealed to us in his holy law. As we will see in our studies, the Lord Jesus summed up the entire law with “love.” This gateway into the understanding of God’s law may enable us to see why that the law of God is “holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good” (Romans 7:12). We experience the law of God with unease, because in our fallen condition it confronts us with our sinfulness and guilt. Paul wrote, in Romans 3:29, that “by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Yet, the law didn’t originally have such a stinging effect on Adam and Eve in Paradise. They experienced God’s law as their delight, as it was written in their hearts and as they understood it as the brilliant reflection of their Maker’s glory. Their joy was unbounded as they walked in the obedience to God’s law, reflecting God’s nature in love to him, to each other, and to his creation. These lectures are an attempt to recapture this original intention of God’s law by expounding each of the Ten Commandments through the eyes of the Lawgiver and his reflection of devotional love. May God bless these lectures to open our minds and hearts by his blessed and indispensable Spirit, for the glories of his Law, and even more, the glory of the Lawgiver.
Solomon wrote that it is better to live in the corner of a housetop than with a brawling partner in big palace. The reason for this is simple. Nothing is so satisfying as a harmonious relationship. A beautiful house is no compensation for a broken and betrayed heart. For the most beautiful relationship God designed is between a married man and woman. To protect this from being harmed, God legislated the seventh. Many forces seek to destroy the gift of marriage, either by wounding person before they are married, or by breaking into the relationship once married. That’s why the seventh commandment needs our attention.