The Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Chief End of Man

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

What is the chief end of man? This well-known question is the first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. With this question, we are asked to examine what our primary purpose is as created by God. The answer given, “To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever”, is simple to learn and yet contains an unmeasurable depth. This question and answer is the first of 107 questions and answers found in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It was first written in 1647 by the Westminster Assembly in London, England. It has since been a treasure of Bible-centered instruction taught and learned in churches and families throughout the world. While it was originally written for children, it contains rich instruction for everyone – for people of every age and intellect. We hope you will learn much from these lectures on the Westminster Shorter Catechism and that they will be a rich blessing for you.

The Chief End of Man

Have you ever thought about why you are here? Not the place where you are as you watch this video, but rather, why you are in this world. What is the purpose of your life? These are big questions. And they’re big questions because they touch on all that is in our life. They guide us and they direct us, and they help us to make sense of what we’re supposed to be doing at any given moment, and with the whole of our life considered.

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Course Lessons

1.  The Chief End of Man
2.  God’s Word and What it Teaches
3.  What is God?
4.  The Holy Trinity
5.  The Decrees of God
6.  God’s Work of Creation
7.  God’s Creation of Man
8.  God's Works of Providence
9.  God’s Special Providence Toward Man
10.  The Fall of Man
11.  What Sin Is
12.  The Fall’s Effect on All Mankind
13.  The Sinfulness and Misery of Man’s Fallen State
14.  The Covenant of Grace
15.  Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of God’s Elect
16.  The Incarnation
17.  Christ’s Office of Prophet
18.  Christ’s Office of Priest
19.  Christ’s Office of King
20.  The Humiliation of Christ
21.  The Exaltation of Christ
22.  Redemption Applied
23.  Effectual Calling
24.  Justification
25.  Adoption
26.  Sanctification
27.  Blessings of Salvation in This Life
28.  Blessings of Salvation at Death
29.  Blessings of Salvation at the Resurrection
30.  The Duty Required of Man
31.  The Ten Commandments: A Preface of Grace
32.  The Ten Commandments: Love for God
33.  The Ten Commandments: Love for God’s Worship
34.  The Ten Commandments: Love for God’s Name
35.  The Ten Commandments: A Day for Holy Love
36.  The Ten Commandments: Love for God’s Day
37.  The Ten Commandments: Love within Our Relationships
38.  The Ten Commandments: Love for Life
39.  The Ten Commandments: Love for Purity
40.  The Ten Commandments: Love for the Lord’s Allotment
41.  The Ten Commandments: Love for the Truth
42.  The Ten Commandments: Love from Within
43.  Understanding Our Sin
44.  Escaping God’s Wrath and Curse: Saving Faith
45.  Escaping God’s Wrath and Curse: Repentance unto Life
46.  Escaping God’s Wrath and Curse: Means of Grace
47.  Means of Grace: The Word of God
48.  Means of Grace: The Sacraments
49.  Means of Grace: Christian Baptism
50.  Means of Grace: The Lord’s Supper
51.  Means of Grace: Receiving the Lord’s Supper
52.  Means of Grace: Prayer
53.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Preface
54.  The Lord’s Prayer: The First Petition
55.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Second Petition
56.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Third Petition
57.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Fourth Petition
58.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Fifth Petition
59.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Sixth Petition
60.  The Lord’s Prayer: The Conclusion

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Rev. Jonathan Mattull

Rev. Jonathan Mattull is minister of the gospel at Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church, in St. Louis, Missouri, a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Presbytery of the United States of America.